New Review Update: Into It. Over It.; Crazy Arm

Happy release day! Here are reviews of two records that came out today and yesterday, respectively.

First, Renaldo Matadeen examines the new LP from Into It. Over It.,

Touching on precocious themes like religion and change and jabbing at the wisdom of life spices up the record, too. [Evan] Weiss has a penchant for unabashed honesty and he drives his views home like nails. Always did and from this record, he always will.

Read Renaldo's review of Into It. Over It.'s Intersections
right here.

Then, Rich Cocksedge goes in-depth on the new Crazy Arm album,
The Southern Wild:

Despite being quite different to the first two Crazy Arm albums, The Southern Wild doesn't stick out like a sore thumb in the band's catalogue. It's part of the logical progression of what the group have been trying to do: there's no settling for more of the same as Crazy Arm push their own boundaries in respect of what can be achieved.

Read Rich's review of Crazy Arm's The Southern Wild
right here.

Don't forget to read all of our reviews here and to submit your own reviews here.