New Review Update: Sweatshop Boys; Old Wives / The Blendours

Today's first new review is from Rich Cocksedge, who wrote up some thoughts on the new LP from Israel's Sweatshop Boys,
The Great Depression:

...what you need to know is that this quartet from Israel (Really? I would have sworn from the first track that they were from London Town!) crank out quite a varied amalgam of garage, power-pop, '70s rock and punk with a twist of new wave thrown in for good measure across the thirteen tracks on this debut long player.

Read Rich's review here.

Then, reader SodaPopPunx writes in with some words on the recent split from Old Wives and The Blendours:

It's crazy, these bands both approach this sound from completely different angles, but each manage to arrive at the same spot somehow. Old Wives may have heard a few more Crimpshrine records, and the Blendours may have spun a few more Muffs LPs in their day, but they're still rooted in the exact same tradition: Power chords. Marshall amps. Vocal harmonies. Pop Punk. Classic, leather jacket pop punk.

Read SodaPopPunx's review here.

Don't forget to read all of our reviews here and to submit your own here.