Black Flag announces its first post-Reyes tour dates

Black Flag has announced its first set of tour dates since ousting lead singer Ron Reyes on November 24. The newest incarnation of Black Flag includes founding member Greg Ginn on guitar, Gregory Moore on drums, and new singer Mike Vallely. Since Dave Klein left the band previously, it is unknown who will be on bass. Additionally, right now, Black Flag's lineup is identical to Ginn's other band, Good for You.

Black Flag's first post-Reyes show will be June 11 in Dallas, Texas. Following that, Black Flag plays Madison, WI on June 16. After that, Black Flag plays Amnesia Rockfest in Quebec, which runs June 20 through June 21. Interesting, Henry Rollins is also scheduled to appear at Amnesia Rockfest, though chances of a live collaboration are slim.[Ed's Note- if any of you are going to any of these shows, we'd love a live review]

Also, both Danzig and The Misfits are scheduled to play Amnesia Rockfest. You can click read more for the Vegas odds for an on-stage reunion.

Vegas Odds for Danzig/Misfits reunion- Snowball: Hell