Sunday Edition: December 16, 2007

It's Sunday, December 16th, 2007.

Dial "A" for AWESOME more like it. Since I'm filling in, I decided to let you know that Adam's not the only 4th level dork around there parts. On to this week's news.

"Album of the Year" by Spin and made appearances elsewhere as well. Rumor has it Tom tied the knot this weekend as well, congratulations!

Another Gainesville band you might have heard of added Lucero, the Lawrence Arms, Static Radio and Samiam to various shows while Chicago's favorite drunks posted a track from their recent BBC Sessions. Their alter–ego Cornish Gay Men ended up on a "Worst Names of '07" list alongside The Color Fred, the Graduate and a few others. A year–end list of note also surfaced from Mr. Brett of Bad Religion.

Blink182 posted a Christmas classic from their early days (Blink–182: "I Won't Be Home for Christmas") while Sir Tom mused about Angels and Airwaves' plans for '08. Touring with the White Stripes won't be on the bill, as they may swear off the road forever, Beatles style. Against Me! are on the road however, this time with the Foo Fighters. Other plans for '08 included Panic! At the Disco setting a date

In the "Left Field" category there's Fearless taking punk to crunk. Who knew? Similarly, but far more ridiculous was a writer blamimg Conor Oberst for Omaha shootings. Also, apparently mum's the word when it concerns Foxboro Hot Tubs and you're in Green Day. You can grab their debut EP.
We interviewed San Franciscans via Renoicans Cobra Skulls: Cobra Skulls (interview Part 1). This week's Vinyl File was an interview with Mike Park and a chance to win Goddamnit

This week we sadly said goodbye to Lynette Knackstedt of Skankin' Pickle.

Click Read More to see this week's contests, streaming music and more.

Radio Free Punknews

Check the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of anticipated new music including

the lead track off This Is Hell's new 7" Cripplers,

six songs from NOFX's upcoming live album They've Actually Gotten Worse Live.

all six cuts from the Briggs acoustic Westlake Sessions,


the new record from Joey Cape's new band the Playing Favorites.

It's Funny, I Don't Feel Like a Winner

Help Akimbo figure out "Navigating the Bronze"

Alternative Tentacles is throwing a contest in celebration of Akimbo's new full length Navigating the Bronze. "Dude, I totally navigated the bronze last night!" --- What does that sentence mean to you? This elusive phrase has not been explicitly defined by Akimbo, the band who created this mysterious album title. Many theories have been informally offered, none to our satisfaction. However, we want to make "Navigating the Bronze" as ubiquitous as "Ghostriding the Whip" or "Oh no you dih-ent!" in the youth lexicon.We leave it up to you, the creative AT fan, to fill in semiotic gap left wide by our well-coiffed Seattle trio.

Staff Side-Projects

Your trusty Punknews staffers and reviewers have all sorts of projects on the go, everything from poorly spelled and oft neglected blogs to big official world domination schemes.

Make sure to check out
editor and videographer Chris Moran collection of recordings online at Vimeo,
editor Justin August's blog Kinder Words,
editor Adam White's blog 2:59,
staff reviewer Jesse Raub's webzine Bitter Press.

Super Powers Enable Me To Blend In With Machinery

We've theorized that you visit other websites out there, and we know it can be tough to leave the calming blue glow of the `Org, so we'll help by infecting the rest of the web with Punknews content. Waste some time on the and Punknews Records MySpace pages, the Facebook Group, and contribute your listening habits to the weekly charts group.

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