Sunday Edition: Radio Free Punknews

Check out the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of new music from recent or upcoming releases. Our latest additions include:

Also, don't forget to check out the new EP from Chicago, IL's So Many Ways, a new song from Chicago, IL's JuiceheaD, six new tracks from San Francisco, CA's Nothington, the debut full-length from The Briggs frontman Joey Briggs, the latest from Noord-Holland, NL's Sweet Empire, a new track from Ruhrpott, Germany's SS-Kaliert, and the latest from Charlotte, NC's Pullman Strike. You can find much more on the Punknews Music page.

We've also expanded our podcast empire to something that will eventually resemble a network. Be sure to check out the original Punknews Podcast (subscribe via RSS or iTunes), Jesse and Goodrich's metal/hardcore/jokes bonanza The Wizard's Beard (subscribe via RSS or iTunes), Bryne Yancey's Florida music podcast Overheated (subscribe via RSS or iTunes), and First World Problems, hosted by Ray Harkins (peta2/Sound & Fury, ex-Taken, Mikoto, Century Media), Joey Cahill (6131 Records/Sound & Fury) and Scott Arnold (subscribe via RSS or iTunes). More new shows will be debuting very soon, so stay tuned.