Best of 2012

Amelia Cline's picks (2012)

Joe Pelone

[Amelia Cline is the Copy Editor/more metal than Tori Pederson.]

It's pretty wild that I've been working with Punknews for a year-and-a-half now. The people I am lucky enough to work with on a daily basis have been amazing and all of them contribute such special characteristics to our editorial content. I would have never imagined I'd get the chance to really be a part of something much bigger than myself, that really contributes to a number of people.

2012 was a really busy year for us here at Punknews. Our incredible staff gained a few more fantastic individuals to the team, we adapted to a few changes in the structure of our site and also had the chance to feature notable, important fluctuations throughout our community. As with every year comes change, but as we know the details are what really make the difference.

Personally, I challenged myself to move from my native home of Gainesville, Fla. to a very blooming Memphis, Tenn. just over a year-and-a-half ago for more than just a change of "scenery." It's been an amazing ride so far and the opportunities that have presented themselves, in a city I've grown to love, have allowed me to contribute more than I ever thought possible to my position here at Punknews.

As for 2013, we have a lot to look forward to. Not just here at Punknews, but within the country we live in. I'm 21 and I am beyond excited to be a part of the ups, downs and whatever else life has to throw at us as my generation excels and evolves. I didn't put forth the effort 2011's recap deserved, so I wanted to make up for it this year by sharing the 15 albums that I feel made a true landmark in each band's career. I mean, who could really pick 10? Never limit yourself or the people around you!

Top 15!

Nick Waterhouse: Time's All Gone
Innovative Leisure Records
Do you love Mad Men? Do you love rythm, blues and soul? Then, please buy this record and prepare to be taken back to the '50s. What an incredibly talented artist! I respect everything this man is doing and bringing to the world of music. I didn't think it was possible to reinvent music from many, many years ago but Nick Waterhouse gives us California rythym and blues like none other.

Best Coast: The Only Place
Mexican Summer
First off, if you don't love this band, fuck you. I personally love the arrangement of songs through each Best Coast release. Lyrically, I adore the honesty and emotion in each word. The Only Place was much more polished than their earlier releases, but each song on this record still rings out and catches you by the mouth. I had it on repeat almost daily there when it first came out. Bethany Cosentino gives us a lot to relate to lyrically and has such a way with her verses.

Neurosis : Honor Found in Decay
Neurot Recordings
Crushing, luminous, ambient–all of the respected traits we love about Neurosis. This record really brought out their attention to detail and also showed us a bit of a gothic, folky taste. Each song feels very purposeful and strong. Give it a listen!

Deftones: Koi No Yokan
Koi No Yokan is Deftones' best work, period. All of the White Pony mega-fans will hate me for that but time really will prove that this was their best record. I was even completely floored by Diamond Eyes but Koi No Yokan puts a whole new spin on heavy for me. Fantastic record, guys.

Pelican : Ataraxia/Taraxis
Hydra Head Records
Pelican announced that they would be on something of a hiatus shortly after they released this record. I was SO BUMMED because this was incredible material after not hearing much from them. You can tell they took their time with production and that it was a step in a slightly new direction. Though only four songs long, you (as a listener) plunge into a daunting beginning and exit gracefully. Pelican always leave me wanting more, which is probably why they're one of my favorite bands of all time.

Converge: All We Love We Leave Behind
Epitaph Records
When I interviewed Jake Bannon earlier this year, I had the chance to fully understand the amount of time and effort they put into this incredible record. I had actually never even seen them live before, and it just so happened I sat down with the frontman himself before he conducted the crowd to almost break down a venue. No pun intended!

I'm just so blown away by how there isn't any pressure to put forth a "must be this" or "we're looking for a certain sound" type of record from Converge. What they do is completely natural. They set the bar for themselves and have influenced numerous bands. Absolutely one of my most favorite records this year, especially lyrically.

Torche: Harmonicraft
To me, this record ripped most other releases this year. Torche really brought forth an effort I hadn't seen from anyone else quite yet. The band brought this crazy awesome combination of heavy, fast riffs and melodic rock and made it explode into a record. This wasn't a transition album for them in my opinion; Harmonicraft showcased their skills as musicians and as a powerhouse of a band.

Burning Love: Rotten Thing To Say
Southern Lord
Another absolutely stellar gem from these guys! Drums, bass, thick riffage and vocals to match. If you didn't listen to this, sorry you slept on it for so long!

Baroness: Yellow & Green
Relapse Records
Absolutely flawless record from start to finish! I loved the combination of themes and song arrangement. Baroness are a full, incredibly talented band and I am so glad they're not letting a devastating wreck hinder them from producing more creative, beautiful music. This record will stay in rotation for me for a while, and I cannot wait to see what else they have up their sleeves!

Goodtime Boys: What's Left To Let Go
Bridge Nine Records
Don't make the mistake of looking past this band. Recent signees to B9, Goodtime Boys bring a fresh attitude to post-hardcore and their sound is VERY solid. I really enjoy everything I have heard so far and the EPs released also have really uncharted-territory types of melodies.

Title Fight: Floral Green
SideOneDummy Records
"IfShed was Title Fight's coming of age record, the band's follow-up, Floral Green, encapsulates the next life stage; the period of time when we feel like we should have it all figured out, while in reality, most of us are still plagued by confusion and insecurity."

I couldn't have said this