Here's Tim Krysko with our International Spotlight:

Around this same time last year, my girlfriend went to Japan and brought me back the latest Husking Bee CD of the time (though it was a year old by then, The Steady State Theory). Thesame happened again this year, and she brought me back 2004's Variandante. Produced, recorded, and mixed - like most of their albums - by the great Mark Trombino, Variandante once again makes me mad that nobody has stepped up to license Husking Bee CDs for North America since Doghouse Records stopped after putting out the amazing 4 Color Problem. Buy that album. And regarding Variandante, as soon as I heard this track, "Just a Beginning", it became my instant favorite Husking Bee song ever.

Husking Bee - Just A Beginning (MP3) Check out Japan's country profile. Recent Spotlights: Beatbrats (Austria), Nikmat Olalim (Israel).