Contributed by layawayplan, Posted by Smallman

: Aside from the Across the Water split coming out in stores Jan. 31 and available for mailorer now (featuring Canadian bands Choke and Layaway Plan and Swedish bands Adhesive and Astream), there are more releases planned in the near future. New albums by Layaway Plan and Moneen are due out March 6th, as reported by the Smallman mailinglist. The new Layaway Plan release is titled "Solutions to Substance", and apparently has a lot of new twists on the band's sound. Moneen's album is titled "The Theory of Harmonial Value" and picks up where last year's amazing EP "Smaller Chars for the Early 1900's" left off. Finally, the cross Canada Smallman Tour 2001 (with Choke, Layaway Plan and Moneen) begins March 1st in NB and ends April 14th in Calgary. I'm not going to post all the dates here, check Smallman Records for updates in the near future. All three bands on the tour are amazing, and Moneen plays one of the most jaw-dropping live shows you'll see, so check them out if you can.