Tora! Tora! Torrance! has broken up. You can view confirmation both at the band's website, which reads "no comment" under an MS Paint-ed gravestone and at The Militia Group's site, which gives the following statement:

Tora! Tora! Torrance! has officially called it quits. !TTT! was brilliant, innovative, and didn't give a shit at all about how they were perceived or thought of. In short, they were punk as fuck. They were more true to themselves than just about anyone I have ever met and I for one will miss them a great deal. I don't think they were ever even half way understood by most who heard them. I still don't think I fully ever understood them. They thought about art, music, culture and the world around them on a different plain. They were one of those bands you either loved or hated, either way they demanded a reaction out of you.

The band's last release was 2003's A Cynic's Nightmare, reviewed by two of our staff members here and here.