Contributed by Crookedsuperhero, Posted by No Idea

No Idea band Glass And Ashes are planning to release a split 7" with Science Of Yabra. Here's the update from their website:

As for right now, we're back home preparing for a split 7" and possible west coast tour with buds Science of Yabra, whom recently put out their new LP, "Don't Panic", on Code of Ethics Records ran by master-chef Ronnie Abril…. who also happens to be putting out our split. You MUST hear the new Science record! We met up with them in Arizona recently for a couple of shows and had a great fuckin time, so needless to say, we're stoked to be touring with them. We'll have more on the Science split and tour later.

Glass And Ashes recently released a full length on No Idea titled Aesthetic Arrest.