Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Alternative Tentacles

"If you are not already aware of what is happening with the Dead Kennedys and their political ex-front man Jello Biafra, get your arse over to For the unaware, the 3 other members now have rights to the sales and distribution of DK's music. The live album "Mutiny on the Bay" which includes recordings from two live concerts from San Fransisco, is now on sale in europe. I dare say that Jello Biafra and Alternative Tentacles would refrain from advocating the sale of this record, but for those of you have seen the live 50 minute video (or those of you old enough to have actually seen them live) they are quite fucking awesome. So make up your own decision whether you wish to listen to this no doubt terrific CD, but remember that your dollars are going into the wallets of the money grabbing ex-members who are at the moment posing a threat to completely remove Alternative Tentacles records from existence.The Biafra war continutes. We reported this live album for sale in Europe a few weeks ago, it dosen't look like this is going to be resolved soon.
Source: Submitted by reader