I don't know why I'm writing this particular article, it just seemed like a good idea to let you guys know of some great records that would appeal to the Weezer fan in you. You've probably heard "Hash Pipe" by now, but it's still a month till the record comes out. In the meantime, (click below) to see what I'm recommending you listen to while you're waiting…

Stereo - 300
A veritable classic by all accounts, 300 is a great pop record with some thick swirly guitars. Like most of the records on this list, it's not derivative of Weezer, but it definitely comes from the same places.

Reggie and the Full Effect - Greatest Hits '84 - '87
This could have been a Weezer-tribute, it's so close to the kind of songwriting you get from Rivers Cuomo. Pure pop, with tons of keyboards, and more thick guitars. Their next record, Promotional Copy was cool, but it doesn't top this amazing record

Impossibles - Return
Even their bio describes them as "Weezer with a ska guitar" and for this one, they even dropped the ska to go full on power-pop. A great record, and one that's still in heavy rotation in my place.

Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
This is probably the most unpunk record on the list, but I don't care. This is a true classic, and is probably the best pre-80s record I've ever heard. Comparing this one to their older (more accessible) material, is kind of like seeing the difference from the Blue Album to Pinkerton… all the humour and silliness is gone, and it's raw, unequivably emotional goodness. Don't tell your punker-than-thou friends, but give it a shot.

Weezer - Blue, Pinkerton, the X-Mas Album
Of course, these ones are on the list. I'm a pretty die-hard punk fan, with my tastes encompassing everything from streetpunk, hardcore, emo, skatepunk et al. but Weezer is my favourite band. Who knows why? I guess they just speak to me. In any case, if you've been living under a rock on Mars for the past five years, you might not have heard these, in which case I order you to turn off your computer, go to the store and buy the lot.
The best way to describe Weezer is that if all the greatest and most influential punk bands came from the same influences (Ramones, Clash, Beach Boys, Kiss), well, so did Weezer, they just didn't plan to be a punk band or anything.

Well, for those of you who read this, thanks. I'm just keeping myself busy listening to these terrific records, as I wait for the third effort from my favourite act. If you hate Weezer for being on a major, that's fine, just remember that no indie label would sign them, it's funny because they tried, but were passed up by a myriad of punk and indie labels, but Geffen was the only one that signed them.

Still, I don't like Geffen, but they were smart enough to sign Jawbreaker so they're not completely evil.