The Mars Volta have set Scabdates as the title of their upcoming live release. The disc will feature live tracks recorded between 2003 and 2005 while the band toured in support of Frances the Mute and Deloused in the Comatorium.

The release is the second live release from the band, with the CD release of Live in 2003 and is expected on November 8th.

The band continues to tour with System of a Down. The band added Paul Hinojos, formerly of At the Drive-In, who left Sparta this past spring. Hinojos has (again) accepted the position of sound manipulator in the band, a post formerly occupied by the late Jeremy Ward who passed away in 2003.

The Mars Volta: Scabdates
  1. Abrasions Mount the Timpani
  2. Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt
  3. a) Gust of Mutts
  4. b) and Ghosted Pouts
  5. Caviglia
  6. Concertina
  7. Haruspex
  8. Cicatriz
  9. a) Pt I
  10. b) Pt II
  11. c) Pt III
  12. d) Pt IV