In a peculiar story coming from Turbonegro, it seems a recent performance by the band in support of Party Animals has raised the ire of the Swedish Royal Family. According to some accounts, vocalist Hank Von Helvete recently told a version of the classic Vaudeville-era joke "The Aristocrats". In the joke, a traveling Swedish family - parents, two daughters, a son and a dog - explain to club owners that they are in show business looking for work. To prove so, they perform a variety of offcolor, perverted and incestuous sexual acts. When asked what they call themselves, they reply, "The Swedish Royal Family."

A number of newspapers in Norway carried the story and the Swedish royals have deferred comment to their lawyers. Turbonegro, on the other hand, has promised to perform similar jokes and in particular, one about Norwegian royalty at their next performance in Oslo.

The band will soon visit the US along with (International) Noise Conspiracy .