by Hopeless

Hopeless act Kaddisfly has posted another update on the progress of their sophomore full length titled Set Sail the Prairie. The band released Buy Our Intention; We'll Buy You A Unicorn earlier this year and had this to say:

Here is the timeline. We are going to begin the recording process for "Set Sail the Prairie" on March 3rd. Kris Crummett (Fear Before the March of Flames, Anatomy of a Ghost) is going to be engineering/ producing the album, and we will be recording in Oregon exclusively. Enoch Jenson will be in tow as well for some additional production. We'll be tracking drums at a studio in the woods called Supernatural Studio, guitars in a house on the coast, and vocals in Portland - but this is all flexible.

The group recently suffered the theft of their trailer which forced the cancellation of their tours with Look What I Did and Near Miss. The new full length is expected sometime in 2006.