Contributed by Mute98, Posted by

Influential thrash/punk act Suicidal Tendencies have posted an update on the progress of their upcoming DVD and recording. They had this to say:

The new stuff is sounding great. We're really excited at how it's all come together. Paul Northfield flew home and we're gonna live with the tracks for awhile, and he'll be back next month to make any changes and do the final mixes. We've been getting a lot of emails about the title of the record. We have a couple ideas for title and artwork, but we're gonna wait till the music is all done and deal with it then.

The live DVD footage is looking insane! The editing is coming along great and what we've seen so far is killer!

Not content to focus on the album and DVD alone, members of the band are also soldiering forward with their side project Infectious Grooves and more is expected on that soon.