Contributed by seek, Posted by

"This is fucking unbelievable; the Italian Police have violently raided the Italian Independent Media Center Headquarters. Police fired tear gas as they beat many people inside with batons. It has been said that by some of the mass media that as many as 3 are dead, but IMC says they were told by medics this was not true. They have, however, said that medics told them at least 20 people have been seriously injured.

This makes you wonder how many others were wounded. This quote from the IMC is perhaps the most disturbing of all, "The school opposite the IMC building was where the worst police violence occured. Floors are covered in blood. Police assault lasted over 45 minutes. Several people have been carried out in black bags. The people in the street where chanting en masse "fascist" and "bastardo". The wounded were carried out on strechers continuously and taken to ambulances that arrived with the police. Police sealed off street by surprise and a helicopter remained low overhead like a military operation. A temporary hospital was set up on the 1st floor of the IMC building to treat wounded." You can listen to the police raid here. The mass media seems to be putting a 'lighter' spin on this, however. MSNBC reports that at 6 people have been seriously injured(as told to them by someone of the Genoa Social Reform group), and that the police had a search warrant. Read the article, it's a disgrace. Only one short paragraph was dedicated to the event. My local news hasn't even mentioned this event on the 11 o'clock news, but have done a horrible job even remotely representing the protestors side of all the events. I sincerely urge that you people no longer continue to shrug this off. The Italian Police's tactics have become absolutely unacceptable. This is all just sick."
Wow, I had absolutely no knowledge that there was even a problem in Italy. This seems kind of serious, people should take some time and read up about this.