Contributed by an Anonymous Source, Posted by Astro Magnetics

The Lovekill have announced some of their plans for the coming year as they gear up for the July 11th, 2006 release of These Moments Are Momentum. The album is their debut for Astromagnetics. It follows their debut EP which earned the band the following quote from Dave McGurgan:

the urgency of mid-'80s Dischord bands such as Scream and Rites of Spring. Songwriting is interesting and rocking and singer sounds like Guy Picciotto at times and like Mick Collins at others. The kind of band Touch & Go would put out - if they were still a rock label.

The band will be hitting the Warped Tour for scattered dates this summer, followed by a tour with the Felix Culpa in July and a trip to Europe in September.

You can check out three songs from the band here.