Nickelodeon to launch 'Punk Rock Angel Girl' cartoon
by Television

According to MTV News, Nickelodeon will soon be launching a new cartoon short in the Fall called 'Punk Rock Angel Girl' with none other than Jewel doing the voice of the main character. Jewel explains,

Punk Rock Angel Girl, or PRAG, she's just a teenager. She's a punk rocker, but what I call punk rock is getting angry with a cause. A lot of the show is about anger as a transformational, useful tool. There's a difference between pent-up aggression that's randomly expressed -- that's just confrontational with no thought behind it -- versus positive anger, thinking for yourself and making tough decisions.

Not only does Jewel provide the voice for "PRAG," she also came up with the idea, wrote the first episode, and drew her character. Jewel describes the first episode,

PRAG discovers that a big, faceless corporation called Megacorp is trying to brainwash the youth of America to buy things that nobody would ever need. Megacorp's minions are disguised as celebrities -- but underneath, they're actually robots, and if revealed as such, they attack.

Nickelodeon has let us know that the program will in fact be a two-minute short aired in a block of shorts, and not a regular program.