Contributed by aubin, Posted by Sub Pop

While it's not a straw bale office, the venerable Seattle-based label Sub Pop has "gone green" for their energy inputs. The label is now buying Green Tags from the Bonneville Environmental Foundation. The label cites employee Andrew Sullivan as the inspiration for the move and draws attention to Kelly Stoltz, who recorded his album Below the Branches using a similar method. The album was the first to be recorded in this manner.

For those of you not in the know, a Green Tag is a method of offsetting the large subsidies that current carbon-based (coal, natural gas, oil) production methods enjoy. A non-carbon based energy manufacturer (ie: one using a wind-farm, photovoltaics, etc) adds their energy to the general purpose grid and is allotted a Green Tag for each 1,000kWh of energy put in. The Green Tags are then sold on the open market via certified resellers and the money is then redistributed to the producers, allowing them to continue operations in a closed energy market. An "impact calculator" that shows you the amount of Green Tags you would need to become "carbon neutral" is available at An Inconvenient Truth.