
PETA2, likely happy with their response to previous internet polls has decided to allow users to vote on a namesake for a conference room in their massive fur-lined building. They had this to say:

Here's the thing though: While the room itself is awesome, its official name is the "peta2 3rd Floor Conference Room," which rates about zero on the creativity scale. We've started calling it the "War Room" ourselves, but it desperately needs a new name, and we need your help. We've narrowed it down to 12 candidates who we think deserve to have the War Room named after them because of their work for animals.

The nominees include perennial vegetarian Morrissey for the "Meat Is Murder" room, the "Rise Against" Rumpus Room for the alliteration fans, the Propagandhi Class War room, "The Ally French Will Kick Your Ass Room, " the Kevin Lyman "Warped" room, the amusing Fat Mike Wreck Room the Alk3 'Maybe I'll Catch Fire' Room, and many more.

So put down that burger you filthy carnivore, and vote here. And brush your teeth.