Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Barsuk

Former Dismemberment Plan frontman Travis Morrison has resumed working on new material, recovering from the lashing he received from Pitchfork who gave his last record a 0.0 score.

Morrison had this to say:

We went out to Chicago a few weeks ago and recorded fourteen songs at Electrical Audio with my old bandmate Jason Caddell producing. It's a beautiful studio. We aren't done but we're really far along and we should have everything ready for a spring release.

I know I told everyone we've been "working on it" all this time but honestly we weren't--I was just tired of talking about Pitchfork so I dropped out of indie-rock and did other musical things. I needed inspiration and new cultural input. I don't just make this shit up on my own, to paraquoth Mos Def. I definitely found it! It's been a great year. So I guess you could say I was working on the record… spiritually.

He released his last solo record, Travistan in 2004.