Contributed by Eddie, Posted by Universal Music Group

"According to Sonicnet, the incredibly annoying Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (from Full House) twin duo are joining with a new band, Empty Trash, to do a cover of one of Weezer's recent singles, "Island in the Sun." The song will be featured in the Olsens' latest movie, Holiday in the Sun, and will be available on the soundtrack due November 20th, according to the publicist for the record. Ugh.
Ok, I usually would not post something like this, but it's just too fucking funny. This reminds me of this commercial I have been seeing on TV lately for a cover album called, "Kids Bop". The CD features little kids singing popular songs, including Blink 182's "All The Small Things". Its a riot. Anyhow, I won't be too suprised if people actually try to get their hands on this once it's released. Some Weezer fans are very unbalanced (as well as most Olsen twins fans).