Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by

"Although this isn't "punk" news, I feel it is appropriate that someone who is informed make comments regarding fat mikes blasphemous allegations that the bush administration is doing nothing to help the common person, and only to benefit large business. If Fat Mike's views can be front page news, I feel mine should be too."
Let it never be said that we don't try to present both sides of an argument. Read the rant below.

If an individual were to take the time to do research instead of believing everything that a musician says (believe it or not, most musicians aren't politicians for a reason), they would find that the Senate Finance Committee came to an agreement that provides (courtesy of

"The bill, which passed 11-10 along party lines, includes $14 billion in rebate checks for those who pay only payroll taxes.

It also includes $14 billion to extend unemployment benefits by 13 weeks and extend such benefits to part-time workers who do not currently qualify.

And it would provide $6 billion to subsidize 75 percent of the health care premiums for unemployed workers under the federal COBRA program. " (cobra is a health plan for individuals and small businesses)

The tentative plan provides money for the airline industry, so they can keep their employees employed. It provides money for victims of the September 11th attack. It gives businesses, both big and small, breaks as well as individuals based on their income tax.

As for the repeal of the AMT and the businesses benefitting from it, in this time of economic hardship, if a business were given a large sum of cash, it increases company profits, quarterly earnings, increases stock dividends, stimulates the stock market, allows employees to stay employed, and benefits the economy of the entire United States.

Folks, this is a compassionate bill with the American people in mind. All americans deserve to benefit, the rich and poor. The rich should not have the fact that they are wealthy held against them. Isn't equal rights, compassion, and understanding what we should all be striving for?

I guess we should, unless that compassion benefits people other than your social class.

written by Josh Bootstomp