Contributed by PunkRokr666, Posted by Burning Heart

directly from the Raised Fist website. Click READ MORE to see the full post taken from Burning Heart. To summarize, Raised Fist is hard at work on their next album, and have been in the studio since January 7th. The release date will be in May, with mp3s appearing in February. The post mentions that the guys from The 21st Impact may be covering some backing vocals. The band plans to tour Europe when the album is released, and plan to visit Canada, Scandinavia, Sweden, Australia (depending on finding good booking) and possibly the United States.

Full submission:

Raised Fist is currently working on the songs for the next album. Recordings will start at the 7'th of January. There are no Delays involved here, and the release will be sometime around May. Maby we can get some mp3's out as early as February to give you a chance to hear what the guys are up to. One rumor says that the guys from (The 21'st Impact) will be helping them out with the backup-vocals.

Some TOURS are also up for 2002. Expect the guys to show up in Europe when the album is released. MABY they'll fly over to Canada again as their recent tour there was just fucking amazing. RF will also play a coupple of dates in Scandinavia and most of all Sweden where the band havent done any serious touring since the start. Australia is one of the continents RF have as their nr. 1 priority. But its so hard finding bookers who can put this togheter in a good way. Who knows.. after almost 10 yrs togheter the guys might even visit the States for a big number of dates. People are talking about it, and we can say that it's closer than ever before.