Rapper Jay–Z who also happens to be the CEO of Def Jam Records recently spoke with Billboard about many of the new business models being experimented on by the music industry as it struggles to find a future in music.

Regarding the controversial "360 deals" covered recently, Jay–Z is skeptical, saying:

I believe that 360 becomes a bad deal unless you're doing artist development. Being an artist, I'm an artist–friendly executive as well. You can't take someone's rights, profess to be an expert in that field and then not do anything for it. If you're sharing and partnering with an artist, you better build an artist. Or the record company is going to lose out. You could make a 360 deal with an artist and maybe you don't have that artist two years from now. We can't –– as record executives –– expect to take someone's rights and not add value.

He also touches on the now infamous Radiohead distribution model saying:

What Radiohead did shocked everybody. It was a genius idea. I'm sure someone [in R&B/hip–hop] will follow that model.

And when asked if he personally would consider doing it, he adds: "Of course."