Contributed by hawkeye225, Posted by Blackball

"Here is some news taken from the Blackball Records website: "Jawbreaker Etc. - The B-sides disc. Sorry, no new information, and unfortunately still not a release date. The best estimate, right now, is the middle of 2002. Of course, we'll get you some details just as soon as we have them. Dear You - If you're having a hard time finding this album at The Wherehouse, that's because Geffen discontinued it some time ago, but you probably already knew that. Mr. Pfahler has recently been successful in getting Dear You back from the Geffen folks, and it will be re-released on Blackball Records. The re-release will contain a bonus track and video. No idea on the timeline, much paperwork to do, but we want to get it back out there on the shelves." Rad. If even we never hear a new Jawbreaker record, this will make me feel just a little better.