Contributed by CampKill, Posted by Universal Music Group

Midtown Is featured in the May 2002 issue of Seventeen magazine. The Article goes like this: "You Think Blink 182 is as clever as punk rock gets? Guess Again."
The whole article is below. Wacky stuff. Speaking of Midtown, look for an *exclusive* MP3 off their new album for my "MP3 of the week" feature to be up in a few hours [I'm currently without FTP here, sorry].

At the Midtown Diner in New York City, the boys from Midtown are slurping up lentil soup and scarfing down salads. All four of these smart-looking, smart-talking rockers are vegetarian or vegan. they see meat as murder and farms as factories. With views like these, the band is a throwback to old-school punk days, when polotics-not just hair dye-played a huge role. "Music can be both art and entertainment: It can unite people and send a message," says Gabe. Midtown's major label debut, "Living Well is the Best Revenge", does all of that. In fact, many of the rocking songs on their upcoming record make big points about personal politics. "We write about things we experience that make us grow," says Tyler. "Become What You Hate" describes types who compromise their beliefs for success. "This song is about liberating yourself from those people," says Gabe, who you might remember from last season's "Real World".( He kissed cast member Rachael, and later admitted he had a girlfriend.)"People are going to remember me as the asshole from the show, but once they hear our album, they won't be able to deny we rock." Whoa.- Margret Magnarelli