Contributed by Kip, Posted by

So I was lying in bed one night, recalling that I am an administrator for this very web site. I was wallowing in the fact that I don't post very often anymore. I was literally in tears. A lot of it might have to do with laziness, a lot of it has to do with the fact that I don't care too much about some of the bands that are "making news" these days, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that I don't want to accidently post any fake news that gets sent to us. So I decided to make myself useful. I am going to start a weekly band profile on groups that are no longer in the public eye(bands that we don't post about all the time or groups that have broken up). Nothing big, just a little info on some great bands that don't get enough attention these days. I will also provide links, song picks, maybe discographies and all that jazz. If you love or hate this idea, let us all know. Thank you, drive through.