Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%
by Sunday Edition

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: What embarrassing up-da-punx-phase did you go through? I'm talking when you were 14 and thought Choking Victim was the greatest band ever. A: When I was in college…Yeah college. I had found an old army jacket at a flee market. It wasn't too bad except the name on the jacket was something super hokey like, "Crush" or "Blaster" I don't recall but it wasn't the original name patch.

Anyhow, I proceed to take it home and sew a bunch of punk patches on the back for bands like Pennywise, Anti-Flag, and even an ICP patch worked its way on there. The front was probably 10 pounds worth of metal buttons. You remember, the little ones that labels send you free with your mail order. Anyhow, I had pretty much ever button I ever owned on this jacket. Couple that with the fact that the jacket was too big around and the sleeves barely made it past my forearms, and you had a stupid looking jacket. I wore that thing for about 5 months straight and never washed it (because that would require removing my 3,000 buttons). However, I did loan the jacket to my wife on of the first nights we hung out, because she was cold and she still remembers it being really sweet. So…Maybe it was kinda punx. -Rich

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