Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Hopeless

Susanne from Flower Booking writes the following:
"Poison the Well are back and singer Jeffrey is now 100% after spending time in an Omaha Emergency Room for a throat infection. After two days of rest (and some pretty amazing vocal fill ins from PTW tour manager and other friends). Jeff sang at the Kansas City show and is back for sure for the rest of the tour.

The (International) Noise Conspiracy also were forced to cancel shows. Drummer Ludde Dahlberg began experiencing extremely painful back spasms after the Minneapolis show and sat out for a few days while getting his back X-Rayed and seeking medical attention. It has been a very touch and go few days out here on the tour as the (I)NC's have been trying desperately to rejoin the dates and get healed up. Unfortunately, on doctors orders, Ludde will not be able to return to the tour and therefore (I)NC will not appear on the Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Bellingham, Seattle, or Portland dates. We are all hoping that a week's rest will allow the drummer to return to full health and perform the show in Santa Barbara. It is with mountainous regret that (I)NC cancel these appearances.

Full refunds are available at point of purchase, and partial refunds will be available to all of those that bought advance tickets that wish to still attend the shows. We do urge everyone to still come out and support the Hopeline Network. We all understand that this is a huge disappointment, but at the same time hope that everyone out there will be able to move forward and keep supporting our shows. We've been trying everything under the sun to keep (I)NC on the tour. They feel terrible, we feel terrible for them, and hope that all of the fans will understand."

Don't forget, there's still time to enter our Plea For Peace/Take Action Tour contest, which runs till this Friday - click here for details.