Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: I find it alienating that it's now the norm for bands to release exclusive songs through a myriad of outlets. If I'm a fan of your band and want to pay for your music, why make it so hard for me to find? I don't want to have to work to find your songs.

A: I fully understand this feeling. I had no idea The Menzingers had released an online exclusive of "I Was Born" which had acoustic songs not on "Chamberlin Waits". I'm not 100% sure why bands/labels do this but I imagine it's in part to keep a band in the news cycle. Your album comes out, that's news. You have an exclusive track somewhere else, also news. I think it's just a way to keep people aware (which is increasingly difficult in the 24 hour news cycle of punk rock).


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