by Radio

"I am glad to inform you that today is a splendid day. All 4 of the PRC squad will be back today to spank you harder than your doctor before you were circumcised with rusty hedge trimmers. That's right. Actual CONTENT! Hooray. So, here's the deal. No 'ifs ands or buts', you will tune in from 5-10 PM EST to hear the greatest spectacle of audio entertainment since Michael Jackson realized he has male organs. Anyway, you can read more about that in the tabloids. Let's get down to business." -  PunkRadioCast

Tune in between 5-10 PM EST:
Hi-Fi Stream (128 kbps - Cable) Lo-Fi Stream (64 kbps - Slower Cable/DSL) Slow-Fi Stream (24 kbps - Dialup)