by Radio

PunkRadioCast is expanding. The site now will have streaming radio shows from around the world on every night of the week. Starting April 30th, look for this lineup:

Planet X Radio - Mondays 5-10 PM EST
Gameslut's Punk Radio - Tuesdays 5 - 9 PM CST
Planet X Radio - Wednesdays 7 - 12 PM EST
Surf Ride To Oblivion Radio - Thursdays 7 - 12 PM EST
Parentally Advise This Radio - Saturdays 6 - 11 PM EST
As always, Empty Directory Live is on Sundays from 5-10 PM EST Hi-Fi (128 kbps - Cable) / Lo-Fi (64 kbps - Slower Cable/DSL) / Slow-Fi (24 kbps - Dialup)