
Fans wishing to immortalize Motörhead's late Lemmy Kilmister have started a petition asking for support in changing the official nomenclature of the mixed drink Jack & Coke to "A Lemmy." Lemmy, who passed away in late December 2015 after a brief but aggressive battle with cancer, was a notorious fan of Jack Daniel's whiskey, enjoying it while serving as a staple feature at the Rainbow Bar & Grill in Los Angeles, CA. The petition reads:

Letter to
The Entire World
To henceforth and hereafter rename the "Jack Daniel's and Coke" to "A Lemmy".

Want to support the cause? You can sign the petition here.

Looking for another means to keep the memory of Lemmy alive? There is an additional petition to name one of the four newly discovered heavy metals to be added to the periodic table "Lemmium" -- you can sign that petition here.