Punknews wants to review YOUR band!

OK, so at Punknews, we have a fairly sizable review staff. But, despite that, we get faaaaar more review pitches than we can handle. So, for fun, we are going to do what we call "Punknews Lightening Reviews!"

That means that if you submit your band for review, we WILL review it. The reviews will be as fair and as objective as possible, but they may be short. (Hence "lightening.") We might not give your band a positive review, but we will give each submission an honest shot. To reiterate, we WILL review every band submitted for lightening reviews.

To have your band reviewed for lightening reviews (and not our usual, longer, detailed reviews), post a link to your bandcamp or soundcloud below. Or, you can e-mail the link to JohnG@punknews.org. Please include "Punknews Lightening Reviews" in your subject line. If you don't, you might not get reviewed.

Feel free to share this with your friends. However, please note that the deadline to submit for lightening reviews is June 26. Of course, you can submit your band for "Regular" reviews at any time.