UK based emotional punk band Jack The Envious will be releasing a new EP this fall. Today, we are premiering the music video for their second track off of the new EP. The track is called "The Rapture", see below or click here to listen. The track is off of their upcoming EP titled Bleeding Honesty out on November 2nd, 2018.

"This song sets you right at the brink of giving up on everything, showing a state of mind that is almost passive yet modestly positive after an a very dark turn in life. It has a mixture of acceptance and enduring of hardships and failure and it really means a lot to us as we go to this song when we need to remember about strength and how to find it within ourselves. The lyrics switch between pessimistic, optimistic and passive all the time in a blend of emotions we feel only this song could capture." - Nir Perlman (Vocals)