Contributed by peejfancher, Posted by Epitaph

Jason Black from Hot Water Music has posted an update on the band's website outlining their current progress in recording their new record, the follow-up to Caution. This went online on May 1st:

So, officially one week into tracking the new record and things are coming along swimmingly. George should finish up the drums for the album proper today, then do all the b-side tracks tomorrow. With Sunday off, Monday is true day of magic since that's when I start tracking bass. Everything is going really, really well and the songs have really taken shape after preproduction and demoing, so we're really stoked. We can honestly say there's some really distinct, bold material on this record and we're really eager to hear what everyone thinks.

Click below for a tentative track listing for the album and more info.

Here's a rough track listing (one of these songs won't make the album and will most likely appear on Rock Against Bush Vol 2…of course that could all change):

  1. Bottomless Seas
  2. Poison
  3. Kill The Night
  4. Giver
  5. Last Goodbyes
  6. Keep It Together
  7. Head in Synch (tent)
  8. All Heads Down
  9. The Ebb and Flow
  10. My Little Monkeywrench
  11. Early Grave
  12. Ink and Lead
  13. Under Everything
  14. Then, there's the B-sides, singles, or comp tracks, which--for the most part--have far more tentative names:

  15. Home
  16. Front Porch Pickin', Finger Lickin'
  17. Mindfucker
  18. Already Roses

We're going to put everything out, we're just not sure where yet. We do know that the next release that will feature a new song by us will be Rock Against Bush Volume 2, which is due in August and features us, The Bouncing Souls (we just can't get enough of each other), Bad Religion, Green Day, The Lawrence Arms, No Doubt, The Foo Fighters, Flogging Molly, and a shit-ton of other bands who all have a conscience.

We went and checked out the Souls, Avail, Unseen, Let it Burn gig last night at The Nation and sat in for a couple of numbers to wear off some of that studio stank. Good times were had by all and thanks again, K8, for driving us safely home.

Make sure to get your tickets for the show next Saturday in Philly cause they're going quick. Also make sure to get there on time to check out our homies in The Loved Ones' (members of Kid Dynamite, Trial By Fire, and Paint It Black) first gig.

That's all for now, I'll check back next week with some more news and hopefully some photos from the studio.
