The punks, alt kids, and those with nothing else to do on a Tuesday night in central Wyoming came out to The Venue in Casper to see Against Me!. That's right, Against Me! played a show in Wyoming, something they hadn't done since 2005's Fat Tour, and from what I've heard their scheduled performance in the "ghost town" got canceled.
I walked into The Venue a couple minutes late. Local opener Juice Falcon had already taken to the stage. I was glad to see so many people here this early as Wyoming in general doesn't receive this caliber of a band often. Juice Falcon has a real metal-sounding edge to their rock with plenty of sludgy bass riffs throughout their songs. I dug it but I was more interested in looking for my friend than keeping my eyes and ears peeled to the stage.
Set list:
- Cheap Tutor
- Exotic Location (P.S.)
- #3
- Duck Honk
- Heater Baby
- Shit Shove
- Gift Shop
- Cha Cha Cha

Next to take the stage was the Front, another Casper local band. Don't take them for just another garage band playing shows for fun. Just earlier this year they toured the east coast with friends the Queers. Lead by frontwoman Lauren Bezold, the Front rocked the joint as the crowd grew larger. I've only seen them play once before but I was completely blown away this time. I had listened to their record Snake Oil Salesman on my drive to Casper but it just wasn't the same. Seeing them play live mixed with the energy put off by Lauren jumping off the stage and just crowd surfing until their time was up escalated the performance to a different level for me.

Set list:
- Fire Away
- Trail
- Death Dress
- S.O.S.
- Commando
- All Hail
- Push
- Untitled [new song]
- Be Yo' Gal-friend
- Low Income Love
- Take Me On

And for the moment everyone in this little-big town had been waiting for, the members of Against Me! took the stage. For me, it's been a couple of years since I've last seen them (Warren was still behind the drum kit), but for many in attendance that night, it was their first experience. Their set list played like a greatest hits, picking a number of singles and fan favorites from each release. They played in true Against Me! fashion: no stopping, no banter, just rocking from song to song, jumping from one album to the next.

Set list:
- High Pressure Low
- Pints of Guinness Make You Strong
- Cliché Guevara
- White People for Peace
- New Wave
- White Crosses
- Russian Spies
- Don't Lose Touch
- Violence
- Miami
- Because of the Shame
- Walking Is Still Honest
- Americans Abroad
- Rice & Bread
- Reinventing Axl Rose
- Rapid Decompression
- You Look Like I Need a Drink
- Turn Those Clapping Hands Into Angry Balled Fists
- T.S.R.
- Slurring the Rhythms
- Sink, Florida, Sink
- Teenage Anarchist
- Thrash Unreal
Encore: - Tonight We're Giving It 35%
- Problems
- We Laugh at Danger (And Break All the Rules)