Reunion - Reunion (Cover Artwork)
Staff Review


Reunion (2007)


Did Steve Evetts produce this? Reunion sound so incredibly much like Can't Slow Down-era Saves the Day that first listens from those only remotely familiar with that 1998 effort could easily mistake one for the other. These blatant similarities become a little less of a fault when one realizes that, while the band's songwriting does seem a bit green at times, it tends to produce some rather fluid and impressive results.

With their self-titled seven-song EP, Reunion actually sound pretty refreshing and gimmick-free when put against the breakdowns, double-bass and keyboards of their ridiculous peers. In fact, the band proclaim themselves to simply play "fast tunes with feelings," and that's totally accurate. Throughout the EP, Cam Foley's vocals could definitely use a little practice, but he's just earnest enough to get away with the occasional nasal inflection.

While opener "The Green Light" is easily the best song, there's good stuff elsewhere on here. The bridge in "Bittersweet" is executed well, "That Sinking Feeling" has a cool drum solo outro, and "Driving Forward" has an acceptably cheesy and bouncy set of chords. Shit, "Tired" even gives off a mild resemblance to Sefler, but it's definitely a standout.

Reunion has set a solid foundation in place, and with some more originality and stronger songwriting could really make their mark.

The Green Light
First Things First