The Modern Day Saint
Contributed by pacer, Posted by

This was posted recently on the Arrogant Sons of Bitches ' website regarding Dan Lang-Gunn of Connecticut's Kill Normal Records:

A very close friend of ours, Dan Lang-Gunn has been in the hospital for the past two or three days now and is in serious condition. He sings for the band The Modern Day Saint and during one of their shows he went into cardiac arrest and had to be revived by paramedics. He has been in ICU for three days.

Dan is one of the co-owners of Kill Normal Records. Dan has been one of the most supportive people of our band ever. It is due to Dan that we have been able to mass produce our records and get out and tour and sell them. He has been extremely understanding that we are a poor band and even when things have been looking down for us he's gone out and helped us get national distribution and then helped us get japanese distribution. Not to mention, since we've been a part of the Kill Normal family, Dan and I have become pretty good friends and he's been there for me as well as ASOB since we've been working together.

I'm not a religious person, but I still ask everyone to pray for Dan if you are and if not please have your thoughts be with him and his family. Dan, we love yo' ass. Get better.