With the imminent release of Scabdates, the upcoming live recording from The Mars Volta, the band has posted two song streams. The disc will feature tracks recorded between 2003 and 2005 while the band toured in support of Frances the Mute and Deloused in the Comatorium.

You can check out "And Ghosted Pouts" ( Windows Media, Real) and "Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt" (Windows Media, Real.)

The Mars Volta: Scabdates
  1. Abrasions Mount the Timpani
  2. Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt
  3. a) Gust of Mutts
  4. b) and Ghosted Pouts
  5. Caviglia
  6. Concertina
  7. Haruspex
  8. Cicatriz
  9. a) Pt I
  10. b) Pt II
  11. c) Pt III
  12. d) Pt IV