Brian: We recently posted a review of No Idols' great album, Low (Swing the Pyramid Hands), but I don't think it quite got the attention it deserves. No Idols bring furious hardcore with a methodical, manipulated wall of sound, an ever-so-slight metallic edge and plenty of ambition to a sometimes stale style. Released this past January on the Hex, check out some MP3s here:

No Idols - Belief No Idols - Science and Witchcraft Justin: We recently posted some information about The Sw!ms, a side project of Phillip Price from An Albatross. To be honest I pretty much ignored it until John from Mammoth Press recommended them to me. Like many other indie-rock bands floating around, the Beatles influences are heavy, generally being mixed with a healthy dose of garage rock revivalist recording and energy put into "Vermillion Archer". There's what appears to be some Hammond organ (or straight Synths) to be found alongside some sugary sweet vocals and straightforward guitar riffs. Not necessarily my usual listening fare, but on a sunny day sometimes you need something that fits the mood.

The Sw!ms - We Need Lava The Sw!ms - Depth Charge The Sw!ms - Vermillion Archer