by Facedown

Bloodlined Calligraphy has announced the departure of both their vocalist Ally French and drummer Matt Carter. The band explained:

During our last tour Carter decided touring life at this level is not for him. He has alot on his plate at home that needs to be taken care of. And we all understand that. He decided this with 4 shows left to play. He really helped us out by playing all 4 of the shows and even offering to show the new drummer the parts. After 10 years of being in musical project together he will be missed, but this is best for everyone involved.

The day before we left for this current tour, I recieved a TEXT MESSAGE from Ally saying that she wasnt going on tour with us. The day before we leave. She has decided to move to Oklahoma with her husband. Which is fine. But to let us know the day before we leave when we were home for 2 weeks, which would have given us plenty of time to get a fill in all ready to go and clear their schedule to leave town for 6 weeks, is just whack. Theres no other way around it. Oh well, Best of luck to her.

The band is promising to continue on, an has recruited some " friends who were willing to come out and help us get through this trying time."