Justin: Another band from Philadelphia that not only sounds a bit like Lifetime and Kid Dynamite mixed together in a blender and seasoned for a few years? And somehow the singer managed to be in a band with someone who would later be in a band with a member of the latter act? I love the incestuous-ness of the punk scene sometimes. Bookburner's "New Song" feels like a bit like an older, more matured version of all that spastic Philly-core, with Ben honing his voice and finding a more appropriate backdrop in it compared to his former band, the Curse. This song feels like a "slow burner," whatever that means to you. To me it says that the song's got a pretty deliberate flow to it, with upbeat choruses until the point of "I'll drop my dreams for everyone" feels like it needs to be shouted at the top of your lungs. And haven't we all felt like that at some point?

Stream or download "New Song" at Bookburner's MySpace page Chris: I discovered No Brass at a show in Virginia, Beach a few months ago. Though I was a little put off by the cover-heavy set they played, the young band (and I mean YOUNG, 17-19 in age) seemed to have something special. I recently got a hold of their demo, and was extremely impressed with the superb recording quality, mature vocals and fun song structures; and brimming with heavy influences from the likes of Dillinger Four, Leatherface, Jawbreaker and the Lawrence Arms. We've posted one of the better tracks from said demo here at the 'Org, but two more can be heard elsewhere.

No Brass Punknews profile page featuring "Sixers on the Beach"
No Brass MySpace page