Contributed by jamespastepunk, Posted by

In an interview conducted by our friends at Pastepunk, P.O.S. talked about some potential collaborations with Dan Yemin of Paint It Black:

Me and Dan Yemin have been talking about collaborating for almost two years now, just because, I met him at the Gainesville Fest a long time ago, and we already known that we were aware of each other through various correspondence via Dillinger Four in Minneapolis.

I named that song "Lifetime…Kid Dynamite" just because the chorus has a reference to Lifetime in it and I just figured it would be a good name for the song and apparently both Dan and Jason are fans of hip-hop, that was cool. I'm hoping me and Dan can collaborate in a big way, I'd like to do more just have him come sing out something or play guitar, I wanna do something big with that guy.