Joyce Manor

Check out the Punknews Music page to stream all sorts of new music from recent or upcoming releases. Our latest additions include:

Also don't forget to check out the new 7-inch from Willimantic, CT's The World Is A Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid To Die, the new split 7-inch from The Best of the Worst and Tomahawk Chop, a sampler of nearly every band performing at next month's DTFH Fest, the latest full-length from German melodic hardcore outfit Red Tape Parade, the new full-length from Kingston, NY's Nightmares For A Week, and a demo from Bergen County, NJ's Dead Ringer. You can find much more on the Punknews Music page.

The Punknews Podcast is going strong! We (try to) post a new episode every week featuring new music, commentary and bad jokes. You can check it out via your favorite aggregator with the RSS or subscribe on iTunes.