Contributed by thefirstfive, Posted by Island

us that NME is reporting that Thursday narrowly avoided tragedy earlier this month. As the band was traveling in upstate New York on their way to Hellfest, their van was stuck by lightning. Vocalist Geoff Rickly spoke to the British music mag "We were in our mini van and there was this huge crash like the sound of a bomb going off… I didn't know what was going on and I thought the noise was the sound of our fuel tank exploding or something… Our radio antenna was all black after the storm so the lightning probably hit that… They say the chances of getting hit by lightning are pretty low and they say that lightning never strikes twice so we're hoping we had to take it that one time and now we're good."

The next day the band tempted nature's wrath again as they entered tornado ridden Ohio. The band's new album 'War All The Time' will be released on September 15th.