
Brandon writes: "Well another tour has wrapped up and judging from everyones emails it has been a killer one. I saw them Saturday night and I must say that it kicked ass. They even played Novacaine for me, you Napster users will know what I am talking about. They will be hitting the road here in about a month with No Motiv and that will start in Cali and work its way up through Canada and then back through the midwest. I will have dates up when they are confirmed. Strung Out has been writing alot on the road and they would like to have the full length album out early next year. It will be called American Paradox. Strung Out's new stuff sounds so amazing live. They played Savant, Mission to Mars and Mephisto while they were here and it sounds fantastic live. So do not miss them if they tour anywhere near you." Ahh… so whatever happens label wise, we should have a new record sometime in the next year. Cool.