Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Fat Wreck Chords

us that Rolling Stone recently posted some new information about the upcoming Descendents album, which is due in March. The record was recorded live at the Blasting Room studio in Colorado. Drummer Bill Stevenson spoke about luring vocalist Milo Aukerman away from his day job, "He works on trying to make corn grow more efficiently… And we write a lot of songs about food, so that just fits in with us perfectly."

Click below for Stevenson's description of four songs from the record.

Songs mentioned include:
"Blast Off" - a food song "about having a bad chili-related incident in the bathroom"
"Anchor Grill" - another food song about "responsibilities taking the fun out of life."
"Alive" - which apparently sounds like "the Screaming Trees playing a Doors song."
"Maddie" - a surf rock track with multiple harmonies "It operates in I don't even know how many keys… It almost sounds Schoenbergish or Bartokish in that your can never predict where the tonic sensor will fall next."